CHARITY: Herefordshire Growing Point


The Henry Sale Foundation has supported Herefordshire Growing Point by the purchase of a Hot Box Composter and for funding essential garden maintenance - new paving stones, repairs to raised beds, re-felting the potting and tool shed roof.

Herefordshire Growing Point is a charity providing social and therapeutic horticulture. Using gardening to improve the quality of life for people of all ages and abilities as well as helping people to continue to enjoy the benefits of gardening. The benefits are wide-ranging and include physical and mental fitness, confidence and self-esteem and the sheer pleasure of working with plants, fresh air and handling the soil.

The demonstration garden at Holme Lacy provides an adapted venue where tutors help participants explore sowing, growing and harvesting. An outreach programme extends to residential homes and community projects around the county. Each month over 250 disabled and elderly people benefit from activities in the garden. 

HGP Provides meaningful experience and enjoyment for people of all ages with a wide spectrum of challenges - the elderly or frail, learning difficulties or mental health problems, children and youngsters with disrupted learning capabilities, recovery from accident or illness, sensory or physical disability

HGP encourages and assists those who are unable to manage traditional methods of growing plants but still enjoy the extensive benefits of horticulture. Individual needs are met through utilising several alternative gardening techniques with adapted tools, raised beds and accessories.

HGP is a county based charity, not affiliated to any larger organisation nor dependent on government grants. As a result it relies on local fund raising and donations from charitable trusts.

Herefordshire Growing Point (Registered Charity No 1006625)


Sam Smith